
African women seeking a better life in Europe face a long, perilous, often fatal journey across the Mediterranean. But when they do arrive, they confront yet another threatening prospect: conscription into sex slavery. Eighty percent of all Nigerian women...
Interview with Chiara Sambuchi I always feel a sense of impotence when I approach the sufferance of others. I feel it very intensively every time I start a new documentary film project, by which I know I'll face other human...
Thousands of unaccompanied child migrants are arriving in Europe each year — tricked by false promises of a better life. Instead, many find themselves trafficked into prostitution and slavery. Christina Lamb reports. The wooden fishing boat, jam-packed with stick-figure people...
Size of the problem and results obtained by Piam. In March 2014, following the first wave of landings of refugees from Libya, 40 African boys arrived in Asti. We were equipped in a hurry, prompted by the emergency to give...
In the regional news dated April 2014, there was a press report about Settime, a small village near Asti where are many migrants welcomed, as said by the 2014 major of the town Guido Rosina and by Alberto Mossino,...
Size of the problem and results obtained by Piam Piedmont is one of the regions with the largest presence of women on the roads; the situation in Asti certainly does not differ from the regional one: only in the last...
Trust Conference is committed to finding real solutions to empower women and to fight slavery worldwide. The annual event brings together global corporations, lawyers, government representatives, and pioneers in the field of women’s rights and anti-slavery. The 2016 annual conference...
L'Associazione PIAM Onlus rende noto che per ottemperare ai principi di trasparenza, parità di trattamento e non discriminazione, intende procedere alla selezione, mediante procedura comparativa, per il conferimento degli incarichi professionali di n.1 Revisore Indipendente e n.1 Esperto/a Legale...
Si comunica che a seguito delle selezioni per il conferimento degli incarichi professionali di n.1 Revisore Indipendente e n.1 Esperto/a Legale da impiegare nel progetto denominato "Baraka" a valere sul Fondo Asilo, Migrazione e Integrazione (FAMI 2016-2020) per il...

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