Tag: Alberto Mossino

Piam, an onlus from Asti, has been the first in Italy to experience the inclusion of migrants in a family. Now examples of distribution in small groups, across different municipalities whit the support of  associations, has increased. From Genoa...
In this report from Rai 1 News, the mayor of Chiusano d’Asti explains the Agape project, a network of villages that join the SPRAR (Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees), in cooperation with Piam Onlus. All of...
Progetto Integrazione Accoglienza Migranti (PIAM) is a organization for migrants's rights and anti-trafficking located in Asti, a small town near Turin. In 1999 Princess Okokon and her husband Alberto Mossino started their activity by trying to give a concrete answer to...
Taking of trade victims seekers for asylum in Piedmont. The phenomenon. In recent years, Nigerian traffickers have used Libyan routes to bring thousands of women into Europe for exploitation, such as prostitution. Potential victims are often hidden in the mass of...
Interview with Chiara Sambuchi I always feel a sense of impotence when I approach the sufferance of others. I feel it very intensively every time I start a new documentary film project, by which I know I'll face other human...
In the regional news dated April 2014, there was a press report about Settime, a small village near Asti where are many migrants welcomed, as said by the 2014 major of the town Guido Rosina and by Alberto Mossino,...
Trust Conference is committed to finding real solutions to empower women and to fight slavery worldwide. The annual event brings together global corporations, lawyers, government representatives, and pioneers in the field of women’s rights and anti-slavery. The 2016 annual conference...

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