Tag: Princess Okokon

Il riconoscimento della città belga di Ypres – rasa al suolo nella Prima Guerra Mondiale e oggi centro di cultura e promozione della pace –  viene assegnato ogni 3 anni ad ambasciatori della pace nel mondo: oggi coglie l’importante...
Human Rights Festival Saturday 25th November, Milan The human rights festival, with the collaboration of ''WeWorld onlus'' within the range of the 8th edition of the ''WeWorld'' festival dedicated to women rights, organizes, on Saturday 25th of November in Milan, at...
Progetto Integrazione Accoglienza Migranti (PIAM) is a organization for migrants's rights and anti-trafficking located in Asti, a small town near Turin. In 1999 Princess Okokon and her husband Alberto Mossino started their activity by trying to give a concrete answer to...
It’s just after 9pm when the first Nigerian women start to appear on the streets of Asti, a small city near Turin in northern Italy. Some stand in groups of two or three, flagging down passing cars or checking...
In 2016, the International Organization for Migration has identified 11,000 victims of trafficking in Europe. Women are tricked with false promises of work only to be forced into prostitution. Arriving in Europe at the age of 24, Princess suffered...
Life of forced prostitution awaits majority of the 11,009 Nigerian women who arrived on Italy’s shores last year, says International Organisation for Migration. The number of Nigerian women travelling by boat from Libya to Italy almost doubled last year, with...
Thousands of women and girls are being trafficked to Italy from Nigeria, into a life of forced prostitution. Abused and desperately vulnerable, they have a champion in Princess Okokon, who was herself trafficked from Nigeria in 1999. Okokon fled...
Interview with Chiara Sambuchi I always feel a sense of impotence when I approach the sufferance of others. I feel it very intensively every time I start a new documentary film project, by which I know I'll face other human...
Trust Conference is committed to finding real solutions to empower women and to fight slavery worldwide. The annual event brings together global corporations, lawyers, government representatives, and pioneers in the field of women’s rights and anti-slavery. The 2016 annual conference...

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