Tag: migration in numbers

Polentoni (people who eat a lot of polenta, disparaging for Norther Italians) and terroni (farmers, disparaging for Southern Italians). These classical epithets for  an Italy divided in two parts from ancestral prejudices are difficult to explain. And them, at...
Role and awareness of the team in the management of reception routes for women seeking asylum-victims of trafficking. Every asylum seeker woman victim of human trafficking represents for the Nigerian mafia an investment of about 35.000 EUR. On this budget,...
Every year, thousands of teen-agers from one city in Nigeria risk death and endure forced labor and sex work on the long route to Europe. By Ben Taub It was close to midnight on the coast of Libya, a few miles...
New factors and perspectives in the construction of route of economical autonomy of the asylum seekers-victims of trafficking. The use of asylum seekers' channel by traffickers to introduce thousands of trafficking victims to Europe, radically change the approach of those...
Another news on the national Italian television about the widespread hosting project made by PIAM. The Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees (SPRAR) of the Ministry of the Interior (Home Office) works in collaboration with the National Association...
The 21st Century Gold Rush How the refugee crisis is changing the world economy. By Malia Politzer and Emily Kassie The biggest refugee crisis in recorded history has engulfed continents, swung elections and fueled the rise of nativism. It has also...
Thousands of unaccompanied child migrants are arriving in Europe each year — tricked by false promises of a better life. Instead, many find themselves trafficked into prostitution and slavery. Christina Lamb reports. The wooden fishing boat, jam-packed with stick-figure people...
Size of the problem and results obtained by Piam. In March 2014, following the first wave of landings of refugees from Libya, 40 African boys arrived in Asti. We were equipped in a hurry, prompted by the emergency to give...

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