The Piedmont Region has one of the highest rate of street foced prostitution. The town of Asti is no exception in this sense: over the last years ,the number of street prostitues has increased by 25%. Most of them are young Nigerian women under age, but there are Albanian, Romenian and Ukranian women as well. Each of them represents a huge source of profit for the criminal networks of traffickers – 35 to 50 thousand Euro.
For almost 20 years Piam has been fighting to give these women a different future, without stigmatization and discrimination.
Street Units offer free health assistance and counselling aimed at HIV/AIDS and STI prevention. Providing assistance is the first step to create a trustful relationship with sex workers; they are offered the opportunity to leave the street life, with the support of social services.
Most of all, this approach allows for early diagnosis of neglected pre- existent diseases, that may affect a woman’s future, if not properly healed.
Last but not least, PIAM offers a space for counselling, receptionr and integration, and actively collaborates with the Armed Forces and the Judiciary in ordet to tackle the criminal networks involed in trafficking.
A multicultural and interdisciplinary working team is charged with counselling the victims of trafficking who choose to set free from their exploiters. A long path starting with the activation of a project under Article 18 of the Unique Text on Immigration – a provision that allows victims of trafficking to legalise their judicial situation. Moreover, the project started under this legal provision is personalised, taking into account the culture and country of origin, personal history and skills, in order to provide social and working integration, and a psycological re-elaboration of past painful experiences. The mission of the project is therefore to help victims of trafficking to plan a better life, without being forced to sell their bodies.
How we work
Street Unit activity
The main mission of PIAM is to support victims of tyrafficking, especially victims of sexual exploitation. Nontheless, we do not discriminate women who volountarily exercise street prostituion: prostitution is legal in Italy, while exploitation of prostitution is a crime.
Street Units offer free health assistance and counselling aimed at HIV/AIDS and STI prevention.
Providing assistance is the first step to create a trustful relationship with sex workers; they are offered the opportunity to leave the street life, with the support of social services.
Most of all, this approach allows for early diagnosis of neglected pre- existent diseases, that may affect the woman’s future, if not properly healed.
We help all women involed in prostitution to have a better life, without being forced to sell their bodies.
Street Unit activity
The main mission of PIAM is to support victims of tyrafficking, especially victims of sexual exploitation. Nontheless, we do not discriminate women who volountarily exercise street prostituion: prostitution is legal in Italy, while exploitation of prostitution is a crime.
Street Units offer free health assistance and counselling aimed at HIV/AIDS and STI prevention.
Providing assistance is the first step to create a trustful relationship with sex workers; they are offered the opportunity to leave the street life, with the support of social services.
Most of all, this approach allows for early diagnosis of neglected pre- existent diseases, that may affect the woman’s future, if not properly healed.
We help all women involed in prostitution to have a better life, without being forced to sell their bodies.

Social Protection Programmes
The Social protection programme is one of the main conditions that allows women willing to quit forced prostitution to start an effective integration path aimed at autonomy and independence from the past.
Piam manages several shelter houses for women who join social protection programmes.
Beside housing and food, Piam operators implement activities aimed at promoting literacy and practical skills, spendable at the end of the project, in all contexts.
This is a fundamental step to prevent women to enter forced prostitution againg.
Social Protection Programmes
The Social protection programme is one of the main conditions that allows women willing to quit forced prostitution to start an effective integration path aimed at autonomy and independence from the past.
Piam manages several shelter houses for women who join social protection programmes.
Beside housing and food, Piam operators implement activities aimed at promoting literacy and practical skills, spendable at the end of the project, in all contexts.
This is a fundamental step to prevent women to enter forced prostitution againg.

Anti Trafficking Counseling
Piam offers anti trafficking counselling in order to identify victims of trafficking and support those willing to quit the exploitation network. Highly qualified social workers conduct individual interviews in collaboration in the framework of Sprar projects , with the territorial Commissions for Asylum Seekers and the Prefectures.
Anti Trafficking Counseling
Piam offers anti trafficking counselling in order to identify victims of trafficking and support those willing to quit the exploitation network. Highly qualified social workers conduct individual interviews in collaboration in the framework of Sprar projects , with the territorial Commissions for Asylum Seekers and the Prefectures.

Job Placements
Piam promotes job placements for the beneficiaries of social protection programmes, in order to allow them to acquire new skills, spendable in the future. Job placements are promoted with the support of CO.Al.A Lavoro, and hosted by local companies.
Job Placements
Piam promotes job placements for the beneficiaries of social protection programmes, in order to allow them to acquire new skills, spendable in the future. Job placements are promoted with the support of CO.Al.A Lavoro, and hosted by local companies.