History, objectives and results of two projects able to connect tradition and social sustainability. Villa Quaglina is the ex Priesthood Oblati of San Giuseppe in Asti. A beautiful last century villa immersed in the greenery, with a farmhouse and a...
Targets, history and numbers. The widespread hosting starts in April 2014 following the arrival of hundreds of refugees in the area of Asti. Due to the lack of places available to reception, citizenship and the foreigners' associations present in the...
Piam, an onlus from Asti, has been the first in Italy to experience the inclusion of migrants in a family. Now examples of distribution in small groups, across different municipalities whit the support of  associations, has increased. From Genoa...
On May 20th 2015, the Asti edition of the newspaper La Stampa reports: "There are landslides, but no money." This situation poses a serious threat to the security of our territories and our road. It takes a step forward, it...
The Ottofile maze, a product from The Piedmont, almost extinguished as a consequence of the WWII, is an example of an important cultural cooperation that had obvious consequences on the food system. The collaboration between Italian and African refugees...
Role and awareness of the team in the management of reception routes for women seeking asylum-victims of trafficking. Every asylum seeker woman victim of human trafficking represents for the Nigerian mafia an investment of about 35.000 EUR. On this budget,...
Every year, thousands of teen-agers from one city in Nigeria risk death and endure forced labor and sex work on the long route to Europe. By Ben Taub It was close to midnight on the coast of Libya, a few miles...
New factors and perspectives in the construction of route of economical autonomy of the asylum seekers-victims of trafficking. The use of asylum seekers' channel by traffickers to introduce thousands of trafficking victims to Europe, radically change the approach of those...
The International Organization for Migration has posted a new report on human trafficking. The number of victims has increased by 600 percent in the last two years- most of them being minors. It is destined to be a nightmare. By...
Another news on the national Italian television about the widespread hosting project made by PIAM. The Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees (SPRAR) of the Ministry of the Interior (Home Office) works in collaboration with the National Association...

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