The PROMETEO project

SPRAR Of the Municipality of Asti 2017.

The PRO.MET.E.O. Project (PROtection, METhodology, Experience and Organization) is aimed at the implementation of services intended for the integration of holders of international protection, sheltered in our accommodations in the Municipality of Asti. In particular, single men, single women, victims of trafficking, family units and also single parents.

The project is based on the offering of basic services, such as food, accommodation, basic necessities, and on complementary building of inclusion and integration paths which are designed to accompany the single recipients, with the collaboration of the entities and the community of the territory, to the acquisition of a full cultural and working independence.

The promoted activities are carried out in accordance with the indications of the “Operating manual of the SPRAR system” with the intention of making the most of the synergies with other public or private entities of the nearby territories. In the past years, in fact, the areas surrounding Alessandria and Asti, have seen a growing integration and welcoming system between asylum seekers and holders of international protection. This has enabled to manage specific situations in an optimal way, by ensuring a higher service quality, based on the collaboration of different professionals.


  • Single men: 31
  • Single women: 10
  • Family units: 5

Total welcomed people: 58


  • Nigeria: 19
  • Gambia: 10
  • Iraq: 6
  • Afghanistan: 4
  • Sierra Leone: 4
  • Ciad: 4
  • Guinea: 3
  • Sudan: 2
  • Guinea Bissau: 1
  • Libia: 1
  • Ghana: 1
  • Mali: 1
  • Ivory Coast: 1
  • Senegal: 1
